“What kind of books do you write?” is a question I find difficult to answer. I wish I could say “I write romance” or “I write horror”, because authors whose books slot neatly into a genre category find their target audience more easily. It is incredibly difficult to market when your books are multi-faceted, square-pegs that won’t fit into an established genre.
Take Salvation Jane for instance which is categorized under “political conspiracy”, but it is so much more than that. An author friend described it as “chick lit, wrapped up in a political thriller, tied together with a romance/contemporary fiction/literary fiction/drama”. She almost said “no” when I asked her to review it, because she doesn’t like books about politics, but she gave it a chance and really enjoyed it. And she’s not the only one who loved it. Don’t take my word for it—read the reviews on Amazon.
The Biocide Conspiracy is a young adult that needs to be read by grown-ups, but just how to get them to read it is tricky, for though it is about secret experimentation into germ warfare on the International Space Station, the protagonist is a teenage
I gave myself a headache when I listed The White Amah and I feel another coming on. My new book, The Little Dog Laughed will be out in January. It’s a time travel/historical romance with amorphous animals, lusty legionnaires and empowered she-warriors. However, while on one hand it is a delightful romp through Roman occupied Briton, the protagonist is an elderly woman caring for a bitter, disabled partner, and not the typical heroine of historical romances. I’m guessing it will be difficult to market and lots of people will miss out on a really good book—if I say so myself. Once I post this I shall search Amazon’s categories for the category I think it comes closest to, and hope that readers will enjoy the story enough to forgive variances from their beloved genre.
I hope you will give The Little Dog Laughed a chance. Click this link if you would like to be notified when it is released. /contact-me.html