I’m not a good sleeper! Often in the early hours of the morning I turn on the television in the bedroom. Faced with a choice between an infomercial pushing steam mops & a cartoon, I plumped for the latter. Aren’t I glad I did!
"Family Guy", an adult animated sitcom in which a baby genius frequently aspired to murder his mother, Lois was the Inspiration for Spartacus, the anthropomorphic Jack Russell terrier with a bad attitude in "The Little Dog Laughed"who deliberately maroons his mistress, Reggie aka the Regulator in Roman- occupied Briton.
In "Family Guy", the evil baby built a time machine with which he and his pet dog, Brian travel through time. However, time travel comes accidentally in "The Little Dog Laughed" when Ennis, Reggie’s disabled partner buys a new mobility scooter.
The Book is mainly set in Roman Briton. and like "Family Guy" exhibits humor wit and satire as two septuagenarians and their little dog rediscover their youth, when Boadicea battled Rome’s most feared general, Suetonius Paulinus. Click to sample or purchase.